Hacettepe Üniversitesi Eczacılık Fakültesi
14 Mayıs Bilimsel Eczacılık Günü
Farmakognozi Anabilim Dalı 2008 Yılı Sonrası Yayınlanan Çalışmaları


  1. Özenver N,  Efferth T. Phytochemical inhibitors of the NLRP3 inflammasome for the treatment of inflammatory diseases. Pharmacological research. 2021;170:105710.
  2. Bayazeid O ve Yalçın FN. Biological targets of 92 alkaloids isolated from Papaver genus: A perspective based on in silico predictions. Med Chem Res. 2021;30(3):574-585.
  3. Şöhretoğlu D.  Advances in NMR techniques applicable to phytochemical analysis. Phytochemical Analysis. 2021;32:5-6.
  4. Aydin SS, Kutluay VM, Makino T, Inoue M, Harput US, Saracoglu I. Isolation of potential liver x receptor alpha agonist and antioxidant compounds from Hypericum microcalycinum Boiss. & Heldr. Journal of the Faculty of Pharmacy of Istanbul University. 2021;51:98-105.
  5. Özenver N, Boulos JC, Efferth T. Activity of Cordycepin From Cordyceps sinensis Against Drug-Resistant Tumor Cells as Determined by Gene Expression and Drug Sensitivity Profiling. Natural Product Communications. 2021;16(2):1934578X21993350.
  6. Yuca H, Özbek H, Demirezer LÖ, Kasil HG, Güvenalp Z. trans-Tiliroside: A potent alpha-glucosidase inhibitor from the leaves of Elaeagnus angustifolia L. Phytochemistry. 2021;188:112795.
  7. Özenver N, Abdelfatah S, Klinger A, Fleischer E, Efferth T. Identification and characterization of deschloro-chlorothricin obtained from a large natural product library targeting aurora A kinase in multiple myeloma. Invest New Drug. 2021;39(2):348-361.
  8. Diker NY, Kutluay VM. The evaluation of the antidiabetic effects of red wine polyphenols with the view of in silico prediction methods. Food Bioscience. 2021;40:100920.
  9. Özgünseven A, Barut B, Šoral M, Sarı S, Akaydın G, Özel A, Şöhretoğlu D. Alpha-glucosidase and tyrosinase inhibiton of polyphenols isolated from Potentilla speciosa var. speciosa: In vitro and in silico perspectives. Industrial Crops and Products. 2021;170:113806.
  10. Gürbüz P, Dokumaci AH, Gündüz MG, Perez C, Göger F, Paksoy MY, Yerer MB, Demirezer LÖ. In vitro biological activity of Salvia fruticosa Mill. infusion against amyloid beta-peptide-induced toxicity and inhibition of GSK-3 beta, CK-1 delta, and BACE-1 enzymes relevant to Alzheimer's disease.  Saudi Pharmaceutical Journal. 2021;29(3):236-243.
  11. Ağar OT., Demirezer LÖ. Development of a new validated HPLC method for the chemical specification of Rosa damascena petals. Journal of Liquid Chromatography & Related Technologies. 2021:1-9.
  12. Gündoğdu S, Kuruüzüm-Uz A. Herbal lipase sources and uses [Bitkisel Lipaz Kaynakları ve Kullanım Alanları]. Hacettepe University Journal of the Faculty of Pharmacy. 2021;41:35-44.
  13. Akkol EK, Genc Y, Karpuz B, Sobarzo-Sanchez E, Capasso R.  Coumarins and coumarin-related compounds in pharmacotherapy of cancer. Cancers. 2020;12(7):1959.
  14. Akkol EK, Ilhan M, Karpuz B, Genc Y, Sobarzo-Sanchez E. Sedative and anxiolytic activities of Opuntia ficus indica (L.) Mill.: An experimental assessment in mice. Molecules. 2020;25(8):1844.
  15. Arroo RRJ, Sari S, Barut B, Özel A, Ruparelia KC, Şöhretoğlu D. Flavones as tyrosinase inhibitors: kinetic studies in vitro and in silico. Phytochem Anal. 2020;31(3):314-21.
  16. Bayazeid O, Nemutlu E, Eylem CC, Yalçın FN. Neuroactivity of naturally occurring proaporphine alkaloid, pronuciferine. J Biochem Mol Toxicol. 2020:e22601.
  17. Bayazeid O, Nemutlu E, Eylem CC, İlhan M, Küpeli Akkol E, Karahan H ve ark. Neuroactivity of the naturally occurring aporphine alkaloid, roemerine. Nat Prod Res. 2020:1-6.
  18. Dönmez C, Yalçın FN, Boyacıoğlu Ö, Korkusuz P, Akkol EK, Nemutlu E ve ark. From nutrition to medicine: Assessing hemorrhoid healing activity of Solanum melongena L. via in vivo experimental models and its major chemicals. J Ethnopharmacol. 2020;261:113143.
  19. Gonulalan EM, Nemutlu E, Bayazeid O, Koçak E, Yalçın FN, Demirezer LO. Metabolomics and proteomics profiles of some medicinal plants and correlation with BDNF activity. Phytomedicine. 2020;74:152920.
  20. Genc Y, Guragac Dereli FT, Saraçoğlu I, Kupeli Akkol E. The inhibitory effects of isolated constituents from Plantago major subsp. major L. on collagenase, elastase and hyaluronidase enzymes: Potential wound healer. Saudi Pharm J. 2020;28(1):101-6.
  21. Genc Y, Sohretoglu D, Harput US, Ishiuchi K, Makino T, Saraçoğlu I. Chemical constituents from Plantago holosteum Scop. and evaluation of their chemotaxonomical significance. Chem Nat Comp. 2020;56(3):566-8.
  22. Genc Y, Bardakci H, Yucel C, Karatoprak GS, Akkol EK, Barak TH ve ark. Oxidative stress and marine carotenoids: Application by using nanoformulations. Mar Drugs. 2020;18(8):423.
  23. Guragac Dereli FT, Genc Y, Saraçoğlu I, Kupeli Akkol E. Enzyme inhibitory assessment of isolated constituents from Plantago holosteum Scop. Z Naturforch C. 2020;75(3-4):121-8.
  24. Karatoprak GS, Akkol EK, Genc Y, Bardakci H, Yucel C, Sobarzo-Sanchez E. Combretastatins: An overview of structure, probable mechanisms of action and potential applications. Molecules 2020;25 (11):2560.
  25. Kutluay VM, Diker NY. Constitution of a comprehensive phytochemical profile and network pharmacology based investigation to decipher molecular mechanisms of Teucrium polium L. in the treatment of type 2 diabetes mellitus. PeerJ. 2020;8:e10111.
  26. Özenver N, Abdelfatah S, Fleischer E, Klinger A, Efferth T. Chemometric and transcriptomic profiling, microtubule disruption and cell death induction by secalonic acid in tumor cells. Molecules. 2020; 25(14):3224.
  27. Özenver N, Efferth T. Small molecule inhibitors and stimulators of inducible nitric oxide synthase in cancer cells from natural origin (phytochemicals, marine compounds, antibiotics). Biochem Pharmacol. 2020;176:113792.
  28. Özenver N, Efferth T. Immunotoxicity of therapeutic antibodies and nanoparticles. Crit Rev Immunol. 2020;40(1):53-74.
  29. Özenver N, Güvenalp Z, Kuruüzüm-Uz A, Demirezer LÖ. Inhibitory potential on key enzymes relevant to type ii diabetes mellitus and antioxidant properties of the various extracts and phytochemical constituents from Rumex acetosella L. J Food Biochem. 2020;44(10):e13415.
  30. Saraçoğlu I, Suleimanov T, Pashaeva N, Dogan Z, Inoue M, Nakashima K. Iridoids from Veronica crista-galli from the Flora of Azerbaijan. Chem Nat Comp. 2020;56(4):751-3.
  31. Şöhretoğlu D, Barut B, Sari S, Özel A, Arroo RRJ. In vitro and in silico assessment of DNA interaction, topoisomerase I and II inhibition properties of chrysosplenetin. Int J Biol Macromol. 2020;163:1053-59.
  32. Şöhretoğlu D, Renda G. The polyphenolic profile of Oak (Quercus) species: A phytochemical and pharmacological overview. Phytochem Rev. 2020;19(6):1379-1426.
  33. Şöhretoğlu D, Sari S. Flavonoids as alpha-glucosidase inhibitors: mechanistic approaches merged with enzyme kinetics and molecular modelling. Phytochem Rev. 2020;19:1081-92.
  34. Uzun M, Guvenalp Z, Kazaz C, Demirezer LO. Matrix metalloproteinase inhibitor and sunscreen effective compounds from Rumex crispus L.: Isolation, identification, bioactivity and molecular docking study. Phytochem Analysis. 2020;31:818-34.
  35. Yuzbasioglu Baran M, Guvenalp Z, Saraçoğlu I, Kazaz C, Salih B, Demirezer LO ve ark. Cytotoxic naphthoquinones from Arnebia densiflora (Nordm.) Ledeb and determining new apoptosis inducers. Nat Prod Res. 2020;34(12):1669-77.
  36. Yuzbasioglu Baran M, Emecen G, Simon A, Tóth G, Kuruuzum-Uz A. Assessment of the antioxidant activity and genotoxicity of the extracts and isolated glycosides with a new flavonoid from Lotus aegaeus (Gris.) Boiss. Ind Crops Prod. 2020;153:112590.
  37. Gönülalan EM, Nemutlu E, Demirezer LO. Fitoterapide metabolomiks (fitomiks) çalışmalar ve önemi, Metabolomics (phytomics) studies and its importance in phytotherapy. Türkiye Klinikleri Geleneksel ve Tamamlayıcı Tıp-Özel Konular. 2020:68-74.
  38. Barut B, Şöhretoğlu D. Total phenolic content, cyclooxygenases, α-glucosidase, acetylcholinesterase, tyrosinase inhibitory and DPPH radical scavenging effects of Cornus sanguinea leaves and fruits. J Res Pharm. 2020;24(5):623-31.
  39. Şöhretoğlu D, Sari S. Flavonoids as alpha-glucosidase inhibitors: mechanistic approaches merged with enzyme kinetics and molecular modelling. Phytochemistry. 2020;19(5):1081-1092.
  40. Kahraman C, Zare G, Arabaci S, Kupeli Akkol E, Tatli Cankaya II. Evaluation of Cucurbita pepo L. seeds used in folk medicine for their anti-inflammatory and wound healing activity. Med Science. 2020;9(2):381-4.
  41. Genc Y, Dereli FTG, Saraçoğlu I, Akkol EK. The inhibitory effects of isolated constituents from Plantago major subsp. major L. on collagenase, elastase and hyaluronidase enzymes: Potential wound healer. Saudi Pharm J. 2020;28:101-106.
  42. Gündoğdu S, Ayhan S, Kuruüzüm-Uz A. Madde Bağımlılığının Tedavisi için Bitkisel Kaynak Araştırmaları Üzerine bir Derleme. Literatür Eczacılık Bilimleri Dergisi. 2020;9(3):229-39.
  43. Sohretoglu D, Zhang C, Luo J, Huang SL. ReishiMax inhibits mTORC1/2 by activating AMPK and inhibiting IGFR/PI3K/Rheb in tumor cells. Signal Transduct Tar. 2019;4.
  44. Dogan Z, Ishiuchi Ki, Makino T, Saraçoğlu I. New acylated iridoid glucosides from Scutellaria glaphyrostachys Rech. f. and chemotaxonomic importance for the genus Scutellaria. Phytochem Lett. 2019;32:157-61.
  45. Efferth T, Banerjee M, Abu-Darwish MS, Abdelfatah S, Bockers M, Bhakta-Guha D, et al. Biopiracy versus One-World Medicine-From colonial relicts to global collaborative concepts. Phytomedicine. 2019;53:319-31.
  46. Gonulalan EM, Nemutlu E, Demirezer LO. A new perspective on evaluation of medicinal plant biological activities: The correlation between phytomics and matrix metalloproteinases activities of some medicinal plants. Saudi Pharm J. 2019;27(3):446-52.
  47. Uzun M, Demirezer LO. Anti-aging power of Rumex crispus L.: Matrixmetalloproteinases inhibitor, sun protective and antioxidant. S Afr J Bot. 2019;124:364-71.
  48. Gonulalan EM, Nemutlu E, Bayazeid O, Koçak E, Yalçın FN, Demirezer LO. Metabolomics and proteomics profiles of some medicinal plants and correlation with BDNF activity. Phytomedicine. 2019:152920.
  49. Anlas C, Bakirel T, Ustun-Alkan F, Celik B, Baran MY, Ustuner O, et al. In vitro evaluation of the therapeutic potential of Anatolian kermes oak (Quercus coccifera L.) as an alternative wound healing agent. Ind Crop Prod. 2019;137:24-32.
  50. Chowdhury HM, Sharmin N, Baran MY, Long L, Morrell NW, Trembath RC, et al. BMPRII deficiency impairs apoptosis via the BMPRII-ALK1-BclX-mediated pathway in pulmonary arterial hypertension. Hum Mol Genet. 2019;28(13):2161-73.
  51. Diker NY, Kahraman C, Akkol EK, Karaoglu MT, Comoglu T, Akdemir ZS, et al. The evaluation of sterile solutions of Ilwensisaponin A and C from Verbascum pterocalycinum var. mutense Hub.-Mor. on antiviral, antinociceptive and anti-inflammatory activities. Saudi Pharm J. 2019;27(3):432-6.
  52. Bayazeid O, Bedir E, Yalcin FN. Ligand-based virtual screening and molecular docking of two cytotoxic compounds isolated from Papaver lacerum. Phytochem Lett. 2019;30:26-30.
  53. Aydin S, Bacanli M, Anlar HG, Cal T, Ari N, Bucurgat UU, et al. Preventive role of Pycnogenol (R) against the hyperglycemia-induced oxidative stress and DNA damage in diabetic rats. Food Chem. 2019;124:54-63.
  54. Sari S, Barut B, Ozel A, Sohretoglu D. Tyrosinase inhibitory effects of Vinca major and its secondary metabolites: Enzyme kinetics and in silico inhibition model of the metabolites validated by pharmacophore modelling. Bioorg Chem. 2019;92.
  55. Sari S, Barut B, Ozel A, Kuruuzum-Uz A, Sohretoglu D. Tyrosinase and alpha-glucosidase inhibitory potential of compounds isolated from Quercus coccifera bark: In vitro and in silico perspectives. Bioorg Chem. 2019;86:296-304.
  56. Ihtesham Y, Khan U, Dogan Z, Kutluay VM, Saraçoğlu I. Evaluation of Some Biological Effects of Incarvillea emodi (Royle ex Lindl.) Chatterjee and Determination of Its Active Constituents. Kafkas Univ Vet Fak. 2019;25(2):171-8.
  57. Kutluay VM, Makino T, Inoue M, Saraçoğlu I. New knowledge about old drugs; a cardenolide type glycoside with cytotoxic effect and unusual secondary metabolites from Digitalis grandiflora Miller. Fitoterapia. 2019;134:73-80.
  58. Kutluay VM, Ishiuchi K, Makino T, Saraçoğlu I. Cytotoxic phenylethanoid glycosides from Digitalis davisiana Heywood: Evaluation of structure activity relationships and chemotaxonomical significance of isolated compounds. Fitoterapia. 2019;135:90-8.
  59. Kutluay VM, Inoue M, Saraçoğlu I. Assessment of LXRα agonist activity and selective antiproliferative efficacy: a study on different parts of Digitalis species. Turk J Biochem. 2019;44(6):745-51.
  60. Genc Y, Harput US, Saraçoğlu I. Active compounds isolated from Plantago subulata L. via wound healing and antiinflammatory activity guided studies. J Ethnopharmacol. 2019;241.
  61. Doğan Z, Ishiuchi KI, Makino T, Saraçoğlu İ. Alpha-pyrone glycosides from Scutellaria salviifolia Benth. Turk J Chem. 2019;43(3):972-81.
  62. Kahraman C, Topcu G, Bedir E, Tatli II, Ekizoglu M, Akdemir ZS. Phytochemical screening and evaluation of the antimicrobial and antioxidant activities of Ferula caspica M. Bieb. extracts. Saudi Pharm J. 2019;27(4):525-31.
  63. Orhan E, Aka İÖ, Yüzbaşıoğlu M, Yavuz B, Bilensoy E, Uz AK. The Effect of Quercus coccifera L. Extract on the Necrosis of Random-pattern Skin Flaps in Rats. Med Bull Haseki, 2019;57(3):249-254.
  64. Kahraman Ç, Baysal İ, Çankaya İ, Göger F, Kırımer N, Akdemir ZŞ. Acetylcholinesterase inhibitory activities and LC-MS analysis of the antioxidant Ferula caspica M. Bieb. and F. halophila Peşmen extracts. J Pharm Res. 2019; 23(3):543-551.
  65. Baran MY, Şöhretoğlu D, Uz AK. Quantitative analysis of Polydatin in a Turkish oak: Quercus coccifera L. with HPLC-DAD. IJSM. 2019;6(3):233-40.
  66. Fendoğlu, B., Şöhretoğlu, D., Kuruüzüm-Uz, A., Hyaluronik asit ve tıbbi önemi,  J Lit Pharm Sci., 2019; 8(1):76-84.
  67. Özbek H, Yuca H, Gözcü S, Dursunoğlu B, Özenver N, Güvenalp Z ve ark. Phenolic Compounds from Cotinus Coggygria Scop. with Alpha Glucosidase Inhibition. FABAD JPharm Sci. 2019; 44(2): 119-125.
  68. Aydin S, Bacanli M, Anlar HG, Cal T, Ari N, Undeger Bucurgat U, Basaran AA, Basaran N. Preventive role of Pycnogenol ® against the hyperglycemia-induced oxidative stress and DNA damage in diabetic rats. Food and Chemical Toxicology. 2019;124:54-63.
  69. Bacanli M, Dilsiz SA, Basaran N, Basaran AA. Effects of phytochemicals against diabetes. Advances in Food and Nutrition Research. 2019;89:209-238.
  70. Özbek H, Guvenalp Z, Yilmaz G, Yerdelen KO, Kazaz C, Demirezer OL. In vitro anticholinesterase activity and molecular docking studies of coumarin derivatives isolated from roots of Heptaptera cilicica. Med Chem Res. 2018;27(2):538-45.
  71. Bacanli M, Aydin S, Bucurgat UU, Basaran N, Anlar HG, Cal T, Ari N, Basaran AA. Can ursolic acid be beneficial against diabetes in rats? Turkish Journal of Biochemistry. 2018;43(5):520-529.
  72. Gonulalan EM, Bayazeid O, Yalcin FN, Demirezer LO. The roles of valerenic acid on BDNF expression in the SH-SY5Y cell. Saudi Pharm J. 2018;26(7):960-4.
  73. Renda G, Sari S, Barut B, Soral M, Liptaj T, Korkmaz B, et al. alpha-Glucosidase inhibitory effects of polyphenols from Geranium asphodeloides: Inhibition kinetics and mechanistic insights through in vitro and in silico studies. Bioorg Chem. 2018;81:545-52.
  74. Sari S, Barut B, Ozel A, Kuruuzum-Uz A, Sohretoglu D. Tyrosinase and alpha-glucosidase inhibitory potential of compounds isolated from Quercus coccifera bark: In vitro and in silico perspectives. Bioorg Chem. 2019;86:296-304.
  75. Sohretoglu D, Sari S, Barut B, Ozel A. Tyrosinase inhibition by some flavonoids: Inhibitory activity, mechanism by in vitro and in silico studies. Bioorg Chem. 2018;81:168-74.
  76. Sohretoglu D, Sari S, Barut B, Ozel A. Tyrosinase inhibition by a rare neolignan: Inhibition kinetics and mechanistic insights through in vitro and in silico studies. Comput Biol Chem. 2018;76:61-7.
  77. Anlar HG, Bacanli M, Cal T, Aydin DS, Ari N, Bucurgat UU, Basaran AA, Basaran N. Effects of cinnamic acid on complications of diabetes.  Turkish Journal Of Medical Sciences. 2018;48:168-177.
  78. Sohretoglu D, Sari S, Barut B, Ozel A. Discovery of potent alpha-glucosidase inhibitor flavonols: Insights into mechanism of action through inhibition kinetics and docking simulations. Bioorg Chem. 2018;79:257-64.
  79. Sohretoglu D, Sari S, Soral M, Barut B, Ozel A, Liptaj T. Potential of Potentilla inclinata and its polyphenolic compounds in alpha-glucosidase inhibition: Kinetics and interaction mechanism merged with docking simulations. Int J Biol Macromol. 2018;108:81-7.
  80. Sohretoglu D, Huang SL. Ganoderma lucidum Polysaccharides as An Anti-cancer Agent. Anti-Cancer Agents in Med Chem. 2018;18(5):667-74.
  81. Sohretoglu D, Baran MY, Arroo R, Kuruuzum-Uz A. Recent advances in chemistry, therapeutic properties and sources of polydatin. Phytochem Rev. 2018;17(5):973-1005.
  82. Bayazeid O, Eylem CC, Recber T, Yalcin FN, Kir S, Nemutlu E. An LC-ESI-MS/MS method for the simultaneous determination of pronuciferine arid roemerine in some Papaver species. J Chromatogr B. 2018;1096:223-7.
  83. Bacanli M, Aydin S, Anlar HG, Cal T, Ari N, Bucurgat UU, et al. Can ursolic acid be beneficial against diabetes in rats? Turk J Biochem. 2018;43(5):520-9.
  84. Koca-Caliskan U, Yilmaz I, Taslidere A, Yalcin FN, Aka C, Sekeroglu N. Cuscuta arvensis Beyr "Dodder": In Vivo Hepatoprotective Effects Against Acetaminophen-Induced Hepatotoxicity in Rats. J Med Food. 2018;21(6):625-31.
  85. Anlar HG, Bacanli M, Cal T, Aydin S, Ari N, Undeger Bucurgat U, et al. Effects of cinnamic acid on complications of diabetes. Turk J Med Sci. 2018;48(1):168-77.
  86. Gurbuz P, Baran MY, Demirezer LO, Guvenalp Z, Kuruuzum-Uz A. Phenylacylated-flavonoids from Peucedanum chryseum. Rev Bras Farmacogn. 2018;28(2):228-30.
  87. Özenver N, Saeed M, Demirezer LÖ, Efferth T. Aloe-emodin as drug candidate for cancer therapy. Oncotarget. 2018;9(25):17770.
  88. Gurbuz P, Kosar M, Guvenalp Z, Uz AK, Demirezer LO. Simultaneous determination of selected flavonoids from different Cistus species by HPLC-PDA. J Res Pharm. 2018;22(3):405-10.
  89. Bacanli M, Aydin S, Anlar HG, Cal T, Bucurgat UU, Ari N, et al. Protective Effects of Ursolic Acid in the Kidneys o Diabetic Rats. Turk J Pharm Sci. 2018;15(2):166-70.
  90. Orhan E, Yüzbaşıoğlu M, Erol YR, Bilensoy E, Erdoğar N, Demirezer LÖ, et al. The effect of Arnebia purpurea extract on the survival of random pattern skin flaps in rats. The European Research Journal. 2018;4(3):152-6.
  91. Kahraman C, Tatli II, Kart D, Ekizoglu M, Akdemir ZS. Structure Elucidation and Antimicrobial Activities of Secondary Metabolites from the Flowery Parts of Verbascum mucronatum Lam. Turk J Pharm Sci. 2018;15(3):231-7.
  92. Demirezer LÖ, Uzun M, Özenver N, Güvenalp Z. Determination of Phytoestrogenic Potential of Anthranoids by Molecular Docking Studies, FABAD, J. Pharm. Sci. 2018;43(3):129-41.
  93. Kutluay VM, Saraçoğlu İ. Cytotoxic effect of some Digitalis species; A study of selectivity. FABAD J Pharm Sci. 2018;43(1): 25-29.
  94. Osmanlıoğlu Dağ, R., Kuruüzüm-Uz, A., Zencefilin Eczacılıktaki Yeri ve Antitümör Etkisi, Hacettepe Üniversitesi Eczacılık Fakültesi Dergisi. 38(2) 76-84 (2018).
  95. Fendoğlu B, Kuruüzüm-Uz A, Şöhretoğlu D. Mantarlardan Elde Edilen Alkaloitler, Mantar Dergisi. 2018;9:117-125.
  96. Fendoğlu B, Şöhretoğlu D.  Gebelikte Bitkisel Ürünlerin Kullanımı, J Lit Pharm Sci, 2018; 7(3):175-84.
  97. Guvenalp, Z., et al., Cholinesterase Inhibition and Molecular Docking Studies of Sesquiterpene Coumarin Ethers from Heptaptera cilicica, Rec. Nat. Prod. 2017;11(5):462-467.
  98. Ozbek, H., et al., Chemical Composition, Antioxidant and Anticholinesterase Activities of the Essential oil of Origanum rotundifolium Boiss. from Turkey, Rec. Nat. Prod., 2017;11(5):485-490.
  99. Şöhretoğlu, D., et al., α-Glucosidase inhibitory effect of Potentilla astracanica and someisoflavones: Inhibition kinetics and mechanistic insights through in vitro and in silico studies. Int. J. Biol. Macromol. 2017;105:1062-1070.
  100. Şöhretoğlu, D., et al., Comparative Evaluation of Phenolic Profile, Antioxidative and Cytotoxic Activities of Different Geranium Species, Iran J Pharm Res, 2017;16:178-87.
  101. Saraçoğlu, I., et al. Iridoids and Phenylethanoid Glycosides from Phlomis pungens of the Flora of Azerbaijan. Chemistry of Natural Compounds, 2017;53(3):576-579.
  102. Zor M, Aydin S, Güner ND, Basaran N, Basaran AA. Antigenotoxic properties of Paliurus spina-christi Mill fruits and their active compounds. Bmc Complementary And Alternative Medicine. 2017;17:1-10.
  103. Özbek, H., Güvenalp, Z., Kuruüzüm-Uz, A. E., Kazaz, C., & Demirezer, L. Ö. β-Hydroxydihydrochalcone and flavonoid glycosides along with triterpene saponin and sesquiterpene from the herbs of Pimpinella rhodantha Boiss. Natural product research. 2016;30(7):750-754.
  104. Bacanli M, ANLAR HG, Basaran AN, Ari N, Basaran AA. Beneficial Effects of Commonly Used Phytochemicals in Diabetes Mellitus.  Acta Pharm Sci. 2016;54:9-20.
  105. Anlar HG, Bacanli M, Kutluk B, Basaran AA, Basaran AN. Cytotoxic Activity of Resveratrol in Different Cell Lines Evaluated by MTT and NRU Assays. Turk J Pharm Sci. 2016;13(1):27-34.
  106. Sohretoglu D, Genc Y, Harput US, Sabuncuoğlu S, Soral M, Renda G, Liptaj T. Phytochemical content, Antioxidant and Cytotoxic Activities of Sedum spurium. Nat Prod Commun. 2016;11(11):1693-1696.
  107. Özbek, H., Güvenalp, Z., Kuruüzüm-Uz, A., Kazaz, C., & Demirezer, L. Ö. Phenylpropanoids, sesquiterpenoids and flavonoids from Pimpinella tragium Vill. subsp. lithophila (Schischkin) Tutin. Records of Natural Products. 2016;10(2):207.
  108. Aydin S, Sahin TT, Bacanli M, Taner G, Basaran AA, Aydin M, Basaran AN. Resveratrol treatment protects rat kidney and liver from sepsis induced oxidative damage. Balkan Med J 2016; 33(6) 594-601. (SCI EXP)
  109. Sevindik, H. G., Ozek, T., Yerdelen, K. O., Onal, M., Ozbek, H., Guvenalp, Z., Demirezer, L. Ö. Chemical Composition, Antioxidant Capacity, Acetyl-and Butyrylcholinesterase Inhibitory Activities of the Essential Oil of Thymus haussknechtii Velen. 2016;10(4):503-507.
  110. Bacanlı, M., Aydın, S., Taner, G., Göktaş, H.G., Şahin, T.T., Başaran, A.A., Başaran N. Does Rosmarinic Acid Treatment Have Protective Role Aganist Sepsis-Induced Oxidative Damage in Wistar Albino Rats? Human and Enviromental Toxicology. 2016;35(8):877-886.
  111. Hameed H, Aydin S, Basaran AA, Basaran AN. Assessment Of Cytotoxic Properties Of Sinapic Acid In Vitro. Turk J Pharm Sci. 2016;13(2):129-132.
  112. Guvenalp, Z., Özbek, H., Karadayı, M., Gulluce, M., Kuruuzum-Uz, A., Salih, B., Demirezer, L.O. Two antigenotoxic chalcone glycosides from Mentha longifolia subsp. longifolia, Pharmaceutical Biology. 2015;53(6):888-896.
  113. Selbes Y, Caglayan MG,Eryilmaz M, Boyaci IH, Saglam N, Basaran AA,Tamer U. Surface enhanced Raman probe for rapid nanoextraction and detection of erythropoietin in urine. Anal. Bioanal. Chem. 2016;408(29):8447-8456.
  114. Özbek, H., Guvenalp, Z., Kuruuzum-Uz, A., Kazaz, C., Demirezer, L.O. Trinorguaian and germacradiene type sesquiterpenes along with flavonoids from the herbs of Pimpinella cappadocica Boiss. & Bal. Phytochemistry letters. 2015;11:74-79.
  115. Gurbuz, P., Demirezer, L.O., Guvenalp, Z., Uz, A., Kazaz, C. Isolation and structure elucidation of uncommon secondary metabolites from Cistus salviifolius L. Rec. Nat. Prod. 2015;9(2):175-183.
  116. Demirezer, L.O., Gurbuz, P., Kelicen, P., Bodur, M., Özenver, N., Kuruuzum-Uz, A., Guvenalp, Z. Molecular docking, ex vivo and in vitro anticholinesterase activity studies of Salvia sp. and highlighted Rosmarinic acid. Turkish J Med Sci. 2015;45:1141-1148.
  117. Gulluce, M., Orhan, F., Yanmis, D., Arasoglu, T., Guvenalp, Z., Demirezer, L.O.  (2015). Isolation of a flavonoid, apigenin 7-O-glucoside, from Mentha longifolia (L.) Hudson subspecies longifolia and its genotoxic potency. Toxicology And Industrial Health, 31 (9), 831-840.
  118. Sevindik, H. G., Guvenalp, Z., Yerdelen, K. Ö., Yuca, H., Demirezer, L.O. (2015). The discovery of potential anticholinesterase compounds from Achillea millefolium L.. Industrial crops and products, 76, 873–879.
  119. Özbek, H., Guvenalp, Z., Kuruuzum-Uz, A., Kazaz, C., Demirezer, L.O. (2016). β-hydroxydihydrochalcone and flavonoid glycosides along with triterpene saponin and sesquiterpene from the herbs of Pimpinella rhodantha Boiss.. Natural Product Research, 30(7), 750-754.
  120. Sevindik, H. G., Guvenalp, Z., Yerdelen, K. Ö., Yuca, H., Demirezer, L.O. (2015). Research on drug candidate anticholinesterase molecules from Achillea biebersteinii Afan. using by molecular docking and in vitro methods. Medicinal Chemistry Research, 24(11), 3794-3802.
  121. Bayazeid, O. M. L., Yalcin, F., İlhan, M., Karahan, H., Kupeli-Akkol, E., Kelicen-Ugur, P., & Ersoz, T. (2015). Analysis of antidepressant properties of some Papaver species by in vivo and in vitro methods. Planta Medica, 81(16), PW_137.
  122. Şöhretoğlu, D., Zeynep, Ü. N. A. L., & SABUNCUOĞLU, S. (2015). Assessment of radical scavenging activities and antiproliferative properties of two cinquefoil (Potentilla) species with their phytochemical contents. Acta Medica, 46(1), 72-78.
  123. Şöhretoğlu, D., Uz, A.K. (2015). β-Glukanlar ve İmmün Sistem. Hacettepe University Journal of the Faculty of Pharmacy, (2), 103-115.
  124. Harput, Ü.Ş. (2015). Klinik Farmakognoziye bir bakış: Fitofarmasi. DOZ - Ankara Eczacı Odası Yayın Organı, 56-58, 10.
  125. Yuzbasioglu, M., Simon, A., Tóth, G., Varga, Z., Uz, A.K. (2015). Phytochemical investigations on Lotus aegaeus. Planta Medica, 81(16), PM_15.
  126. Aydın, S., Tokaç, D., Başaran, N., Başaran, A.A. (2015). Effect of Epigallocatechin Gallate on Oxidative DNA Damage in Human Lymphocytes. Turkish Journal of Pharmaceutical Sciences. 12, 19-28.
  127. Bacanlı, M., Başaran A.A. ve Başaran, N. (2015). The antioxidant and antigenotoxic properties of citrus phenolics limonene and naringin. Food and Chemical Toxicology, 81,160-70.
  128. Yuzbasioglu, M., Kuruuzum-Uz, A., Guvenalp, Z., Simon, A., Tóth, G., Harput, U. S., Kazaz, C., Bilgili, B., Duman, H., Saraçoğlu I., Demirezer, L.O. (2015). Cytotoxic compounds from endemic Arnebia purpurea, Natural Product Communications, 10(4), 595-597.
  129. Kutluay, V.M., Saraçoğlu, I., Inoue, M. (2015). Evaluation of selective antiproliferative efficacy of Digitalis species, Anti-Cancer Drugs, 26(Suppl. 1), e17.
  130. Yuzbasioglu, M., Saraçoğlu, I., Guvenalp, Z., Harput, U.S., Demirezer, L.O., Kuruuzum-Uz, A. (2015). Cytotoxic and apoptotic effect of Alkannins from Arnebia purpurea roots, Anti-Cancer Drugs, 26(Suppl. 1), e30.
  131. Dogan, Z., Kutluay, V.M., Saraçoğlu, I. (2015). Bioactivity Based Phytochemical Studies on Scutellaria salviifolia Benth., Planta Medica, 81(16), PM_78.
  132. Kutluay,V.M., Inoue, M., Saraçoğlu, I. (2015). Bioactive Phenylethanoid Glycosides from Digitalis davisiana Heywood, Planta Medica, 81(16), PM_07.
  133. Bacanlı, M., Taner, G., Başaran, A.A., Başaran, N. (2015). Bitkisel Kaynaklı Fenolik Yapıdaki Bileşikler ve Sağlığa Yararlı Etkileri. Türkiye Klinikleri, 4,9-16.
  134. Bacanlı, M., Başaran, A.A., Başaran, N. (2015). Cytotoxicity Evaluation of Some Phenolic Compounds in V79 Cells. Turkish Journal of Pharmaceutical Sciences, 12(3):53-61.
  135. Aydın, S.S., Bai, F., Makino, T., Saraçoğlu, I., Harput, U.S. (2015). Bioactivity Guided Isolation Studies on Hypericum microcalycinum Boiss. & Heldr.. Planta Medica, 81(16), PM_168.
  136. Aydin, S., Bacanli, M., Taner, G., Sahin, T., Basaran, A.A.Basaran, N. (2013). Protective effects of resveratrol on sepsis-induced DNA damage in the lymphocytes of rats. Human and Experimental Toxicology, 32(10), 1048-1057.
  137. Bacanli, M., Aydin, S., Taner, G., Sahin, T., Basaran, A.A.Basaran, N. (2013). Antigenotoxic effects of ferulic acid on sepsis-induced DNA damage in the liver and kidney of Wistar albino rats. Toxicology Letters, 221, S125.
  138. Sarigol, Z.,Taner, G., Aydin, S., Bacanli, M., Basaran, A.A.,Basaran, N. (2013). Cytotoxicity of pycnogenol and resveratrol in CHO and HeLa cell lines. Toxicology Letters, 221, S143.
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  140. Aydin, S.,Tokac, M., Taner, G., Arikok, A.T., Dundar, H.Z., Ozkardes, A.B., Taslipinar, M.Y., Kilic, M., Basaran, A.A.Basaran, N. (2013). Antioxidant and antigenotoxic effects of lycopene in obstructive jaundice. Journal of Surgical Research,182 (2), 285-295.
  141. Dogan, Z., Harput, U.S., Saraçoğlu, I. (2013). Studies on Antioxidant Potential and Active Compounds of Scutellaria salviifolia BENTHAM. Planta Medica, 79 (13), PJ 13, 1213.
  142. Genc, Y., Saraçoğlu, I., Nagatsu, A., Harput, U.S. (2013). Secondary Metabolites of Plantago lagopus L. Planta Medica, 79 (13), PI 37, 1190.
  143. Ihtesham, Y., Kutluay, V.M., Dogan, Z., Khan, U., Saraçoğlu, I. (2013). Antioxidant Potential of Incarvillea emodi (Royle ex Lindl.) Chatterjee. Planta Medica, 79 (13), PN 22, 1253.
  144. Sensoy, M., Dogan, Z., Conk Dalay, M., Demirel, Z., Saraçoğlu, I. (2013). Microalgae: From Culture Medium to Medicine. Planta Medica, 79(13), PN 100, 1272.
  145. Kutluay, V.M., Harput, U.S., Genc,Y., Jensen, S.R., Saraçoğlu, I. (2013). Evaluation of Cytotoxic Activity and Active Compounds from Genus Digitalis. Planta Medica, 79(13), PJ16, 1214.
  146. Aktaş, N., Genc, Y., Gozcelioglu, B., Konuklugil, B., Harput, U.S. (2013). Radical Scavenging Effect of Different Marine Sponges from MediterraneanCoasts. Records of Natural Products, 7(2), 96-104.
  147. Kaya, D., Yalçın, F. N., Bedir, E., Schmidt, T. J., Ersöz, T. (2013). New secondary metabolites from Gentiana spec. Planta Medica79(13), PI54.
  148. Güllüce, M., Orhan, F., Adıgüzel, A., Bal, T., Güvenalp, Z. ve Demirezer, L. Ö. (2013). Determination of antimutagenic properties of apigenin-7-O-rutinoside, a flavonoid isolated from Mentha longifolia (L.) Huds. ssp. longifolia with yeast DEL assay [DEL assay ile Mentha longifolia (L.) Huds. ssp. longifolia’ dan izole edilen bir flavonoid olan apigenin-7-O-rutinozidin antimutajenik etkilerinin tayini]. Toxicology and Industrial Health, 29(6), 534–540.
  149. Renda, G., Yalçın, F.N., Nemutlu, E., Akkol Küpeli, E., Süntar, İ., Keleş, H., Ina, H, Çalış, İ., Ersöz, T. (2013). Comperative asssment of dermal wound healing potentials of various Trifolium L. Extracts and determination of their isoflavone contents as potential active ingradients. Journal of Ethnopharmacology 148, 423-432.
  150. Sohretoglu, D., Masullo, M., Piacente, S., Kirmizipekmez, H. (2013). Iridoids, monoterpenoid glucoindole alkaloids and flavonoids from Vinca major. Biochemical Systematics and Ecology, 49, 69-72.
  151. Kuruüzüm-Uz, A., Güvenalp, Z., Kazaz, C. ve Demirezer, L. Ö. (2013). Phenolic compounds from the roots of Anchusa azurea var. azurea [Anchusa azurea var. azurea köklerindeki fenolik bileşikler] .Turk J Pharm Sci., 10(2), 177-184.
  152. Harput, U.S., Nagatsu, A., Saraçoğlu, I. (2012). Antioxidant and Cytotoxic Effects of Moltkia aurea Boiss.. Records of Natural Products, 6(1), 62-66.
  153. Harput U.S., Genc, Y., Saraçoğlu, I. (2012). Cytotoxic and Antioxidative Activities of Plantago lagopus L. and Characterization of Its Bioactive Compounds. Food and Chemical Toxicology, 50(5), 1554-1559.
  154. Saraçoğlu, İ., Harput, Ü.Ş. (2012). In vitro Cytotoxic Activity and Structure-Activity Relationship of Iridoid Glucosides Derived from Veronica species. Phytotherapy Research, 26(1), 148-152.
  155. Çadırcı, E., Süleyman, H., Gürbüz, P.,Kuruüzüm-Uz, A., Güvenalp, Z. ve Demirezer, L. Ö. (2012). Anti-inflammatory effects of the different extracts from three Salvia species. Turkish Journal of Biology, 36, 59-64.
  156. Demirezer, L. Ö.,Gürbüz, P.,Kuruüzüm-Uz, A., Güvenalp, Z., Kazaz, C. ve Dönmez A. A. (2012). Chemical Constituents of Two Sages With Free Radical Scavenging Activity [Serbest radikal süpürücü aktivitesi olan iki sagenin kimyasal içerikleri]. Natural Product Communications, 7(2), 187-190.
  157. Demirezer, L. Ö., Güvenalp, Z., Kuruüzüm-Uz, A. ve Kazaz, C. (2012). Labdane-Type Diterpenes from Cistus creticus[Cistus creticus’ daki labdan tip diterpenler]. Khim. Prir. Soedin, 2.
  158. Kuruüzüm-Uz, A., Süleyman, H., Cadırcı, E., Güvenalp, Z. ve Demirezer, L. Ö. (2012). Antiinflammatory and antiulcer activities of Anchusa azurea extracts and its major constituent: Rosmarinic acid [Anchusa azurea ekstrelerinin antiinflamatuvar ve antiülser aktiviteleri ve majör içeriği: rosmarinik asit]. Z. Naturforsch, 67c, 360-366.
  159. Güvenalp, Z., Özbek, H., Kuruüzüm-Uz, A., Kazaz, C. ve Demirezer, L. Ö. (2012). Chemical constituents of Lonicera etrusca [Lonicera etrusca’ nın kimyasal içerikleri]. Chemistry of Natural Compounds, 48(4), 693-695.
  160. Gürbüz, P., Aycan,M. B., Koşar, M., Güvenalp, Z., Kuruüzüm-Uz, A. ve Demirezer, L. Ö. (2012). Cytotoxic effects of Cistus salviifolius on HepG2 cells [Cistus salviifolius’ un HepG2 hücreleri üzerindeki sitotoksik etkileri]. Journal of Biotechnology, 161, 28.
  161. Karakaş, F.P., Karakaş, A., Boran, Ç., Turker, A. U., Yalçın, F.N.,Bilensoy, E. (2012). The evaluation of topical administrations of Bellis perennis fraction on circular excision wound healing in Wistar albino rats. Pharmacetical Biology 50(8), 1031-1037.
  162. Keleş, H., İnce, S., Küçükkurt İ., Tatlı, İ.İ., Küpeli Akkol, E., Kahraman, Ç. and Demirel, H.H. (2012). The effects of Feijoa sellowiana fruits on the antioxidant defense system, lipid peroxidation, and tissue morphology in rats, Pharmaceutical Biology, 50(3), 318–325
  163. Şöhretoğlu, D., Sabuncuoğlu, S., Harput, U.S. (2012). Evaluation of antioxidative, protective effect against H2O2 induced cytotoxicity, and cytotoxic activities of three different Quercusspecies.Food and Chemical Toxicology, 50(2), 141-146.
  164. Sabuncuoğlu, S., Şöhretoğlu, D., (2012). Evaluation of antihemolytic and antioxidant activities of Geranium tuberosumsubsp. tuberosum in in vitro models. Pharmaceutical Biology, 50, 1374-1379.
  165. Şöhretoğlu, D., Sabuncuoğlu, S. (2012). Secondary metabolites, cytotoxic response by neutral red retention and protective effect against H2O2 induced cytotoxicity of Sedum caespitosum. Natural Product Communications, 7, 39-40.
  166. Şöhretoğlu, D., Sabuncuoğlu, S.,Harput, Ü.Ş. (2012). Evaluation of antioxidative, protective effect against H2O2 induced cytotoxicity, and cytotoxic activities of three different Quercus species. Food and Chemical Toxicology, 50, 141-146.
  167. Şöhretoğlu, D., Sakar, MK., Atasayar Sabuncuoğlu, S., Özgüneş, H., Sterner, O. (2012). Antioxidant Secondary Metabolites from Geranium lasiopus. Natural Product Research, 26, 1261-1264.
  168. Yuzbasioglu, M., Kuruuzum-Uz, A. (2012). Arnebia Forssk. Türlerinin Kullanışları ve Biyolojik Aktiviteleri, Hacettepe Üniversitesi Eczacılık Fakültesi Dergisi, 32(1) 91-106.
  169. Harput, U.S., Genc, Y., Khan, N., Saraçoğlu, I. (2011). Radical Scavenger Effects of Different Veronica species. Records of Natural Products, 5(2), 100-107.
  170. Harput, U.S., Arıhan, O., Iskit, A.B., Nagatsu, A., Saraçoğlu, I. (2011). Antinociceptive, Free Radical Scavenging and Cytotoxic Activities of Acanthus hirsutus Boiss.. Journal of Medicinal Food, 14(7-8), 767-774.
  171. Öztunca, F.H., Saraçoğlu, İ.Harput, Ü.Ş. (2011). Comparative HPLC Determination of Iridoid Contents in Veronica cuneifolia subsp. cuneifolia and V. cymbalaria. Turkish Journal of Pharmaceutical Sciences, 8(1), 63-70.
  172. Saraçoğlu, İ., Öztunca, F.H., Nagatsu, A., Harput, Ü.Ş. (2011). Iridoid Contents and Biological Activities of Veronica cuneifolia subsp. cuneifolia and V. cymbalaria. Pharmaceutical Biology, 49(11), 1150-1157.
  173. Saraçoğlu, İ., Harput, Ü.Ş. (2011). Phenylethanoid Glycosides: Naturally Occurring Apoptosis Inducers. Planta Medica, 77(12), 1242.
  174. Harput, Ü.Ş., Khan, N., Saraçoğlu, İ. (2011). Bioactivity Guided Isolation of Iridoid and Flavonoid Glycosides from FourVeronica Species. Planta Medica, 77(12), 1353-1354.
  175. Demirezer, L. Ö., Karahan, N., Uçaktürk, E., Kuruüzüm-Uz A., Güvenalp, Z. ve Kazaz, C. (2011). HPLC fingerprinting of Sennosides in laxative drugs with isolation of standard substances from some Senna leaves [Senna yapraklarındaki standart maddelerin izolasyonu ile laksatif ilaçlardaki sennozidlerin HPLC parmak izi analizi], Records of Natural Products, 5(4), 261-270.
  176. Tandoğan, B.,Kuruüzüm-Uz, A., Sengezer, C., Güvenalp, Z., Demirezer, L. Ö. ve Ulusu, N. N. (2011). In vitro effects of rosmarinic acid on glutathione reductase and glucose 6-phosphate dehydrogenase [Rosmarinik asitin glutatyon redüktaz ve glukoz-6-fosfat dehidrogenaz üzerindeki in vitro etkileri]. Pharmaceutical Biology, 49(6), 587–594.
  177. Kaya, D., Yalçın, F.N., Bedir, E., Çalış, İ., Steinhauser, L., Albert, K., Ersöz, T. (2011). New benzophenone glucosides from the aerial parts of Gentiana verna L. subsp. pontica (Soltok.) Hayek., Phytochemical Letters, 4, 459-461.
  178. Akdemir Z.S., Kahraman, C., Tatli I.I., Kupeli Akkol , E., Pesin Suntar , I., Keles, H. (2011). Bioassay-guided isolation of anti-inflammatory, antinociceptive and wound healer glycosides from the flowers of Verbascum mucronatum Lam. Journal of Ethnopharmacology, 136(3), 436-443.
  179. Kozan, E., Tatli Cankaya, I., Kahraman, C., Kupeli Akkol, E., Akdemir, Z. (2011). The in vivo anthelmintic efficacy of someVerbascum species growing in Turkey, Experimental Parasitology, 129, 211–214.
  180. Kahraman, Ç.,Ekizoğlu, M., Kart, D., Akdemir, Z,Ş., Tatlı, İ.İ. (2011). Antimicrobial Activity of Some Verbascum Species Growing in Turkey, FABAD-Journal of Pharmaceutical Sciences, 36, 11-15.
  181. Şöhretoğlu, D., Sakar, MK., Sterner, O. (2011). Polyphenolic Compounds from Geranium purpureum Vill. growing in Turkey. Turkish Journal of Chemistry, 35, 809-814.
  182. Şöhretoğlu, D., Kırmızıbekmez, H. (2011). Poyphenols from Potentilla rectaBiochemical Systematics and Ecology, 39, 132-134.
  183. Şöhretoğlu, D., Sterner, O. (2011). Isoflavonoids, flavonoids and flavans from Potentilla astracanicaBiochemical Systematics and Ecology, 39, 666-668.
  184. Şöhretoğlu, D., Liptaj, T., Sakar, M.K, Sterner, O. (2011). A New Acylated Neohesperidoside from Geranium purpureum,Natural Product Communications, 6, 1321-1322.
  185. Şöhretoğlu, D.,Sakar, MK., Atasayar Sabuncuoğlu, S., Özgüneş, H., Sterner, O. (2011). Polyphenolic Constituents and Antioxidant Potential of Geranium stepporum Davis, Records of Natural Products. 5, 22-28.
  186. Yuzbasioglu, M., Kuruuzum-Uz A. (2011). Arnebia purpurea S. Erik& H. Sümbül Üzerinde Farmakognozik Araştırmalar” adlı yüksek lisans tez özeti. Modern Fitofarmakoterapi ve Doğal Farmasötikler, 1(5), 58
  187. Saraçoğlu, İ. (2011). Geçmişten Günümüze Biyoteknoloji: Antibiyotikler ve Biyoteknolojik İlaçlar. Modern Fitofarmakoterapi ve Doğal Farmasötikler (MDFD), 1(4), 4-15.
  188. Aydogdu, F., Harput Ü.Ş., (2011). Kanser ve Enflamasyon Mekanizmalarında Etkili NF-κB İnhibitörü Bitkisel Etkin Madde ve Ekstreler, Modern Fitofarmakoterapi ve Doğal Farmasötikler, 1(5), 22-30.
  189. Şöhretoğlu, D., Atasayar Sabuncuoğlu, S., Sakar, M.K., Özgüneş, H., Sterner, O. (2010). Antioxidant effects of Secondary Metobolites from Geranium psilostemonNatural Product Communications, 5, 899-902.
  190. Kahraman, C., Tatli I.I., Orhan Erdogan I., Akdemir Z.S., (2010) Cholinesterase inhibitory and antioxidant properties ofVerbascum mucronatum Lam. and its secondary metabolites, Zeitschrift Fur Naturforschung Section C-A Journal Of Biosciences, 65(11-12), 667-674.
  191. Süntar, I.,Tatlı I.I, Küpeli Akkol E., Keleş, H., Kahraman, Ç., Akdemir, Z. (2010). An ethnopharmacological study onVerbascum species: From conventional wound healing use to scientific verification, Journal of Ethnopharmacology, 132(2), 408-413.
  192. Jensen S. R., Gotfredsen, C.H., Harput, U.S., Saraçoğlu, I. (2010). Chlorinated Iridoid Glucosides from Veronica longifoliaand Their Antioxidant Activity. Journal of Natural Products, 73(9), 1593-1596.
  193. Genc, Y., Saraçoğlu, I., Nagatsu, A., Harput, U.S. (2010). Iridoid and Megastigman Glucosides from Plantago lagopus L. FABAD Journal of Pharmaceutical Sciences, 35(1), 29-34.
  194. Kuruüzüm-Uz, A., Güvenalp, Z., Kazaz, C., Salih, B. ve Demirezer, L. Ö. (2010). Four New Triterpenes from Anchusa azurea var. azurea [Anchusa azurea var. azurea’daki dört yeni triterpen]. Helvetica Chimica Acta, 93(3), 457-465.
  195. Büyükokuroğlu, M. E., Gepdiremen, A., Halıcı, Z., Düzenli, S., Güvenalp, Z. ve Demirezer, L.Ö. (2010). Protective effect ofCentranthus longiflorus subsp, longiflorus in glutamate induced neurotoxicity [Centranthus longiflorus subsp. longiflorus’un glutamatın neden olduğu nörotoksisitedeki koruyucu etkisi]. Indian Veterinary Journal,87(3), 244-246.
  196. Güvenalp, Z., Özbek, H., Yüzbaşıoğlu, M.Kuruüzüm-Uz, A. ve Demirezer, L. Ö. (2010). Flavonoid Quantification and Antioxidant Activities of Some Pimpinella species [Bazı Pimpinella türlerinin flavonoid kantitesi ve antioksidan aktiviteleri]. Reviews in Analytical Chemistry, 29, 3-4.
  197. Harput Ü.Ş., (2010). Isırganotu – Urtica dioica ve etki mekanizmaları, Modern Fitofarmakoterapi ve Doğal Farmasötikler,1(3), 10-16.


Kitaplar ve Kitap Bölümleri

  1. Doğan, Z., Saraçoğlu, İ., Coenzym Q10, Sezik, E. (Ed.), Takviye Edici Gıdalar, Türkiye Klinikleri Yayınevi; 2021.
  2. Demirezer, L.Ö., Ersöz,T., Saraçoğlu, İ., Şener, B., Köroğlu, A., Yalçın, F., A’Dan Z’ye Tıbbi Yağlar Ve Aromatik Sular, Hayy Kitap; 2021.
  3. Şöhretoglu, D., Arroo, R.R.J., Sari, S, Huang, S. Flavonoids as Inducers of Apoptosis and Autophagy in Breast Cancer. In: Discovery and Development of Anti-Breast Cancer Agents from Natural Products. Brahmachari G. Ed.  Elseiver; 2021.
  4. Demirezer, L.Ö., Tıbbi Çay Reçeteleri, Hayy Kitap; 2020.
  5. Köklüyurt, N., Yalçın, F.N., Ürolojide fitoterapi uygulamaları. Türkiye Klinikleri; 2020.
  6. Kahraman, C., Arituluk, Z. C., Cankaya, I.I.T., The Clinical Importance of Herb-Drug Interactions and Toxicological Risks of Plants and Herbal Products, Medical Toxicology, Intechopen; 2020.
  7. Şöhretoğlu, D., Renda, G., Medicinal natural products in osteoporosis. In: Annual Reports in Medicinal Chemistry, Medicinal Natural Products: A Disease-Focused Approach. Elsevier; 2020.
  8. Özenver, N., Efferth, T., Integration of phytochemicals and phytotherapy into cancer precision medicine, Approaching Complex Diseases, Network-Based Pharmacology and Systems Approach in Bio-Medicine. Springer; 2020.
  9. Özenver, N., Efferth, T., Therapeutic targeting of SNAIL, RKIP, and YY1 in tumor metastasis and drug resistance. In: Prognostic and Therapeutic Applications of RKIP in Cancer, Academic Press Elsevier; 2020.
  10. Demirezer, L., Ersöz,T., Saraçoğlu, İ., Şener, B., Köroğlu, A., Yalçın, F., A’dan Z’ye Tıbbi Bitkiler (Tamamlayıcı tıbbın Onayladığı Bitkiler ve Güvenli Kullanım rehberi), Hayy Kitap; 2019.
  11. Kahraman, Ç., Akdemir, Z.Ş., Çankaya, İ.İ., Role of Natural Antioxidants from Selected Plants Belonging to the Scrophulariaceae and Buddlejaceae Families in the Prevention and Treatment of Neurodegenerative Diseases, Ullah, M.F., Ahmad, A., (Eds.), Nutraceuticals and Natural Product Derivatives: Disease Prevention Drug Discovery, John Wiley Sons, Inc.; 2019.
  12. Kahraman, Ç., Akdemir, Z.Ş., Bitki Monografları, Tıp Fakültesi Öğrencileri için Temel Fitoterapi, İnönü Üniversitesi Matbaası; 2019.
  13. Bacanli, M., Başaran, A.A., Başaran, N., Galangin as a plant phenolic and usage in health and disease, Polyphenols: Prevention and Treatment of Human Disease, Academic Press; 2018.
  14. Bacanli, M., Başaran, A.A., Başaran, N., A triterpenoid commonly found in human diet: Ursolic acid, Polyphenols: Prevention and Treatment of Human Disease, Academic Press; 2018.
  15. Şöhretoğlu, D., Arroo, R., Plant-Derived Antiinflammatory Steroid Analogs for Neuroprotection: A Recent Update, Brahmachari, G. (Ed.) Discovery and Development of Neuroprotective Agents from Natural Products, Elsevier; 2017.
  16. Bacanli, M., Aydin, S., Başaran, A.A., Başaran, N., A phytoestrogen puerarin and its health effects, Polyphenols: Prevention and Treatment of Human Disease, Academic Press; 2018.
  17. Bacanli, M., Başaran, A.A., Başaran, N., The major flavonoid of grapefruit: Naringin, Polyphenols: Prevention and Treatment of Human Disease, Academic Press; 2018.
  18. Bacanli, M., Başaran, A.A., Başaran, N., Effects and usage of a citrus compound, limonene, Polyphenols: Prevention and Treatment of Human Disease, Academic Press; 2018.
  19. FFD Monografları-Bitkiler ve Etkileri, Demirezer, L. Ö., Ersöz, T., Saraçoğlu, İ., Şener. B., Köroğlu, A., Yalçın, F. N. (Editörler), Akademisyen Kitabevi; 2017.
  20. Ercil, D., Aloe ferox, Demirezer, L. Ö., Ersöz T., Saracoğlu İ., Şener B., Köroğlu, A., Yalçın, F.N. (Editörler), Akademisyen Kitabevi; 2017.
  21. Ercil, D., Aloe vera, Demirezer, L. Ö., Ersöz T., Saracoğlu İ., Şener B., Köroğlu, A., Yalçın, F.N. (Editörler), Akademisyen Kitabevi; 2017.
  22. Ercil, D., Linaria vulgaris, Demirezer, L. Ö., Ersöz T., Saracoğlu İ., Şener B., Köroğlu, A., Yalçın, F.N. (Editörler), Akademisyen Kitabevi; 2017.
  23. Kahraman, Ç., Vaccinium macrocarpon, Demirezer, L. Ö., Ersöz T., Saracoğlu İ., Şener B., Köroğlu, A., Yalçın, F.N. (Editörler), Akademisyen Kitabevi; 2017.
  24. Kahraman, Ç., Capsicum annuum, Demirezer, L. Ö., Ersöz T., Saracoğlu İ., Şener B., Köroğlu, A., Yalçın, F.N. (Editörler), Akademisyen Kitabevi; 2017.
  25. Doğan, Z., Saraçoğlu, İ., Boswellia carterii, Demirezer, L. Ö., Ersöz T., Saracoğlu İ., Şener B., Köroğlu, A., Yalçın, F.N. (Editörler), Akademisyen Kitabevi; 2017.
  26. Doğan, Z., Saraçoğlu, İ., Boswellia serrata, Demirezer, L. Ö., Ersöz T., Saracoğlu İ., Şener B., Köroğlu, A., Yalçın, F.N. (Editörler), Akademisyen Kitabevi; 2017.
  27. Doğan, Z., Scutellaria baicalensis, Demirezer, L. Ö., Ersöz T., Saracoğlu İ., Şener B., Köroğlu, A., Yalçın, F.N. (Editörler), Akademisyen Kitabevi; 2017.
  28. Doğan, Z., Saraçoğlu, İ., Berberis aquifolium, Demirezer, L. Ö., Ersöz T., Saracoğlu İ., Şener B., Köroğlu, A., Yalçın, F.N. (Editörler), Akademisyen Kitabevi; 2017.
  29. Şöhretoğlu, D., Capsella bursa-pastoris (Çoban çantası), Demirezer, L. Ö., Ersöz T., Saracoğlu İ., Şener B., Köroğlu, A., Yalçın, F.N. (Editörler), Akademisyen Kitabevi; 2017.
  30. Şöhretoğlu, D., Crataegus laevigata, Crataegus monogyna (Bahçe alıcı- Yemişen), Demirezer, L. Ö., Ersöz T., Saracoğlu İ., Şener B., Köroğlu, A., Yalçın, F.N. (Editörler), Akademisyen Kitabevi; 2017.
  31. Şöhretoğlu, D., Hedera helix (Duvar sarmaşığı), Demirezer, L. Ö., Ersöz T., Saracoğlu İ., Şener B., Köroğlu, A., Yalçın, F.N. (Editörler), Akademisyen Kitabevi; 2017.
  32. Şöhretoğlu, D., Ononis spinosa (Kayışkıran), Demirezer, L. Ö., Ersöz T., Saracoğlu İ., Şener B., Köroğlu, A., Yalçın, F.N. (Editörler), Akademisyen Kitabevi; 2017.
  33. Şöhretoğlu, D., Potentilla erecta (Kurtpençesi), Demirezer, L. Ö., Ersöz T., Saracoğlu İ., Şener B., Köroğlu, A., Yalçın, F.N. (Editörler), Akademisyen Kitabevi; 2017.
  34. Şöhretoğlu, D., Tilia cordata, Tilia platyphyllos (Kış ıhlamuru, Yaz ıhlamuru), Demirezer, L. Ö., Ersöz T., Saracoğlu İ., Şener B., Köroğlu, A., Yalçın, F.N. (Editörler), Akademisyen Kitabevi; 2017.
  35. Şöhretoğlu, D., Uncaria tomentosa (Kedi pençesi), Demirezer, L. Ö., Ersöz T., Saracoğlu İ., Şener B., Köroğlu, A., Yalçın, F.N. (Editörler), Akademisyen Kitabevi; 2017.
  36. Özenver, N., Demirezer, Ö.L., Rumex acetosella L., Demirezer, L. Ö., Ersöz T., Saracoğlu İ., Şener B., Köroğlu, A., Yalçın, F.N. (Editörler), Akademisyen Kitabevi; 2017.
  37. Özenver, N., Demirezer, Ö.L., Rumex acetosa L., Demirezer, L. Ö., Ersöz T., Saracoğlu İ., Şener B., Köroğlu, A., Yalçın, F.N. (Editörler), Akademisyen Kitabevi; 2017.
  38. Kutluay, V. M., Paeonia lactiflora. FFD Monografları-Bitkiler ve Etkileri, Demirezer, L. Ö., Ersöz T., Saracoğlu İ., Şener B., Köroğlu, A., Yalçın, F.N. (Editörler), Akademisyen Kitabevi; 2017.
  39. Basaran, A.A., Basaran, A.N. Tıbbi Bitkisel Ürünlerin Yan Etkileri Üzerine Bir Bakış, İsmail, B. (Editör). Örneklerle Akılcı İlaç Uygulamaları, İlaç Bilincini Geliştirme ve Akılcı İlaç Derneği Yayınları; 2016.
  40. Tatlı, İ.İ., Kahraman, Ç., Akdemir, Z.Ş., The Therapeutic Activities of Selected Scrophulariaceae and Buddlejaceae Species and Their Secondary Metabolites Against Neurodegenerative Diseases, Bioactive Nutraceuticals and Dietary Supplements in Neurological and Brain Disease-Prevention and Therapy, Elsevier; 2015.
  41. Şöhretoğlu, D., Arroo, R.R.J., Dietary Flavonoids and The Prevention of Degenerative Diseases, Govil, J.N. and Pathak, M. (Eds.), Recent Progress in Medicinal Plants Volume 40 - Flavonoids and Antioxidants, Studium Press; 2015.
  42. Akdemir, Z.Ş., Bitkisel Çaylar ve Bitkisel Çay Hazırlama Yöntemleri, Özyurt Matbaacılık; 2015.
  43. Saraçoğlu, İ., Doğal Ürünler ve Biyolojik Etkileri, Bakır, T., Duran, H. (Ed.), Tarım-Hayvancılık, Çevre-Ekonomi, Sağlık- Kadın Öğretim Üyeleri Toplum Konferansları, Renkvizyon Matbaacılık Yayıncılık; 2015.
  44. Kahraman, Ç., Akdemir, Z.Ş., Tatlı, İ.İ., Promising cytotoxic activity profile, biological activities and phytochemical screening of Verbascum L. species, Medicinal and Aromatic Plant Science and Biotechnology, Global Science Books; 2012.
  45. FFD Monografları-Tedavide Kullanılan Bitkiler (L. Ömür Demirezer (Editör), T. Ersöz, İ. Saraçoğlu, B. Şener (Editör yardımcıları), MN Medikal & Nobel Tıp Kitap Sarayı; 2011.
  46. Guidebook of the Project prohealth Protecting and Prevention of Health-funded under SOCRATES Programme-Grundtvig 1 (Project No 229959-CP-1-2006-DE-GRUNDTVIG-G1)-2008-İNGİLİZCE
  47. Proje El Kitabı prohealth Protecting and Prevention of Health SOKRATES programı-Grundtvig 1 tarafından desteklenmiştir (Proje No. 229959-CP-1-2006-DE-GRUNDTVIG-G1)-2008-TÜRKÇE
  48. Harput, Ü.Ş. “Cardenolide production as an important drug agent”, Biotechnological production of plant secondary metabolites, Bentham Science Publisher, Bentham e-Book ISBN: 978-1-60805-410-7, Chapter 13: 187-199 (2012)
  49. Harput, Ü.S. “Marine natural products targeting NF-kB”, Marine Pharmacognosy – Trend and Applications, Taylor & Francis Books, ISBN: 978-1-43989-229-9, Chapter 7: 85-100 (2011).
  50. Harput, Ü.Ş., “Farmasötik Endüstride Probiyotikler”, Ateş Kara, (Editör). Probiyotik Kitabı, 2013.
  51. Kuruüzüm Uz, A., Rosmarinus officinalis, Demirezer, L. Ö., Ersöz T., Saracoğlu İ., Şener B., (Editörler). “FFD Monografları” Tedavide Kullanılan Bitkiler, MN Medikal ve Nobel Tıp Kitabevi; 2011.
  52. Kuruüzüm Uz, A., Vitex agnus-castus, Demirezer, L. Ö., Ersöz T., Saracoğlu İ., Şener B., (Editörler). “FFD Monografları” Tedavide Kullanılan Bitkiler, MN Medikal ve Nobel Tıp Kitabevi; 2011.
  53. Kuruüzüm Uz, A., Ammi visnaga, Demirezer, L. Ö., Ersöz T., Saracoğlu İ., Şener B., (Editörler). “FFD Monografları” Tedavide Kullanılan Bitkiler, MN Medikal ve Nobel Tıp Kitabevi; 2011.
  54. Harput, Ü.S., Nalbantoglu, S.,Bedir, E., Cimicifuga racemosa, Demirezer, L. Ö., Ersöz T., Saracoğlu İ., Şener B., (Editörler). “FFD Monografları” Tedavide Kullanılan Bitkiler, MN Medikal ve Nobel Tıp Kitabevi; 2011.
  55. Harput, Ü.S., Cucurbita pepo, Demirezer, L. Ö., Ersöz T., Saracoğlu İ., Şener B., (Editörler). “FFD Monografları” Tedavide Kullanılan Bitkiler, MN Medikal ve Nobel Tıp Kitabevi; 2011.
  56. Harput, Ü.S., Harpagophytum procumbens Demirezer, L. Ö., Ersöz T., Saracoğlu İ., Şener B., (Editörler). “FFD Monografları” Tedavide Kullanılan Bitkiler, MN Medikal ve Nobel Tıp Kitabevi; 2011.
  57. Harput, Ü.S., Tanacetum parthenium, Demirezer, L. Ö., Ersöz T., Saracoğlu İ., Şener B., (Editörler). “FFD Monografları” Tedavide Kullanılan Bitkiler, MN Medikal ve Nobel Tıp Kitabevi; 2011.
  58. Harput, Ü.S., Urtica dioica – Urticaurens, Demirezer, L. Ö., Ersöz T., Saracoğlu İ., Şener B., (Editörler). “FFD Monografları” Tedavide Kullanılan Bitkiler, MN Medikal ve Nobel Tıp Kitabevi; 2011.
  59. Yalçın, F.N. Euphrasia officinalis, Demirezer, L. Ö., Ersöz T., Saracoğlu İ., Şener B., (Editörler). “FFD Monografları” Tedavide Kullanılan Bitkiler, MN Medikal ve Nobel Tıp Kitabevi; 2011.
  60. Yalçın, F.N. Gentiana lutea, Demirezer, L. Ö., Ersöz T., Saracoğlu İ., Şener B., (Editörler). “FFD Monografları” Tedavide Kullanılan Bitkiler, MN Medikal ve Nobel Tıp Kitabevi; 2011.
  61. Aksu Ş., Yalçın, F.N. Punica granatum, Demirezer, L. Ö., Ersöz T., Saracoğlu İ., Şener B., (Editörler). “FFD Monografları” Tedavide Kullanılan Bitkiler, MN Medikal ve Nobel Tıp Kitabevi; 2011.
  62. Ercil, D., Aloe ferox, Demirezer, L. Ö., Ersöz T., Saracoğlu İ., Şener B., (Editörler). “FFD Monografları” Tedavide Kullanılan Bitkiler, MN Medikal ve Nobel Tıp Kitabevi; 2011.
  63. Ercil, D., “Aloe vera”, Demirezer, L. Ö., Ersöz T., Saracoğlu İ., Şener B., (Editörler). “FFD Monografları” Tedavide Kullanılan Bitkiler, MN Medikal ve Nobel Tıp Kitabevi; 2011.
  64. Şöhretoğlu, D., Capsella bursa-pastoris (Çoban çantası), Demirezer, L. Ö., Ersöz T., Saracoğlu İ., Şener B., (Editörler). “FFD Monografları” Tedavide Kullanılan Bitkiler, MN Medikal ve Nobel Tıp Kitabevi; 2011.
  65. Şöhretoğlu, D., Crataegus monogyna, Crataegus laevigata (Alıç), Demirezer, L. Ö., Ersöz T., Saracoğlu İ., Şener B., (Editörler). “FFD Monografları” Tedavide Kullanılan Bitkiler, MN Medikal ve Nobel Tıp Kitabevi; 2011.
  66. Şöhretoğlu, D., Ononis spinosa (Kayışkıran), Demirezer, L. Ö., Ersöz T., Saracoğlu İ., Şener B., (Editörler). “FFD Monografları” Tedavide Kullanılan Bitkiler, MN Medikal ve Nobel Tıp Kitabevi; 2011.
  67. Şöhretoğlu, D., Tilia cordata, Tilia platyphyllos (Ihlamur) Demirezer, L. Ö., Ersöz T., Saracoğlu İ., Şener B., (Editörler). “FFD Monografları” Tedavide Kullanılan Bitkiler, MN Medikal ve Nobel Tıp Kitabevi; 2011.
  68. Kaya D., Allium sativum, Demirezer, L. Ö., Ersöz T., Saracoğlu İ., Şener B., (Editörler). “FFD Monografları” Tedavide Kullanılan Bitkiler, MN Medikal ve Nobel Tıp Kitabevi; 2011.
  69. Kaya D., Aksu Ş., Gönülalan E.M., Echinacea purpurea, Demirezer, L. Ö., Ersöz T., Saracoğlu İ., Şener B., (Editörler). “FFD Monografları” Tedavide Kullanılan Bitkiler, MN Medikal ve Nobel Tıp Kitabevi; 2011.
  70. Kahraman, Ç., 2011, Capsicum annuum, Demirezer, L. Ö., Ersöz T., Saracoğlu İ., Şener B., (Editörler). “FFD Monografları” Tedavide Kullanılan Bitkiler, MN Medikal ve Nobel Tıp Kitabevi; 2011.
  71. Tatlı, İ.İ., Kahraman, Ç.,2011, Rhodiola rosea (Rodiola), Demirezer, L. Ö., Ersöz T., Saracoğlu İ., Şener B., (Editörler). “FFD Monografları” Tedavide Kullanılan Bitkiler, MN Medikal ve Nobel Tıp Kitabevi; 2011.
  72. Eser, P., Kahraman, Ç., Gönülalan, E.M., Echinacea pallida, Demirezer, L. Ö., Ersöz T., Saracoğlu İ., Şener B., (Editörler). “FFD Monografları” Tedavide Kullanılan Bitkiler, MN Medikal ve Nobel Tıp Kitabevi; 2011.
  73. Yuzbasioglu, M., Kartal, M. Olea europaea, Demirezer, L. Ö., Ersöz T., Saracoğlu İ., Şener B., (Editörler). “FFD Monografları” Tedavide Kullanılan Bitkiler, MN Medikal ve Nobel Tıp Kitabevi; 2011.
  74. Ercil, D., (2002). Antibacterial and Antifungal Activities of Sedum sartorianum subsp. sartorianum, Biodiversity, Kluwer Academic Publishers; 2002.