Department of Clinical Pharmacy
The Department of Clinical Pharmacy was established on 12.06.2013 under the Unit of Pharmacy Professional Sciences at Hacettepe University Faculty of Pharmacy.
Clinical Pharmacy is a service of provision of information by an equipped, well-educated, fully-skilled pharmacist to the healthcare professionals and to the patients in order to solve and prevent drug related problems. Clinical pharmacy practice aims to improve health outcomes and patient’s quality of life within the inpatient and outpatient settings.
Clinical pharmacy is a health science discipline in which pharmacists provide patient care that optimizes medication therapy and promotes health, and disease prevention. The practice of clinical pharmacy embraces the philosophy of pharmaceutical care, blending a caring orientation with specialized therapeutic knowledge, experience, and judgment to ensure optimal patient outcomes. As a discipline, clinical pharmacy also has an obligation to contribute to the generation of new knowledge that advances health and quality of life. (American College of Clinical Pharmacists (ACCP)- Pharmacotherapy2008;28(6):816–817)
Clinical Pharmacy is a health specialty, which describes the activities and services of the clinical pharmacist to develop and promote the rational and appropriate use of medicinal products and devices. Clinical Pharmacy includes all the services performed by pharmacists practising in hospitals, community pharmacies, nursing homes, home-based care services, clinics and any other setting where medicines are prescribed and used. The term "clinical" does not necessarily imply an activity implemented in a hospital setting. It describes that the type of activity is related to the health of the patient(s).(European Society of Clinical Pharmacists - ESCP: //
Hacettepe University, Department of Clinical Pharmacy
06100 Sıhhiye - ANKARA
Tel : (0 312) 305 20 43
Fax: (0 312) 311 47 77