Faculty of Pharmacy
Department of Pharmaceutical Technolgy Undergraduate Courses

Pharmaceutical Technology Department Scientific Undergraduate Education


ECF 216 Pharmaceutical Technology I

ECF 218 Pharmaceutical Technology I Laboratory

ECF 291 Apprentıceshıp I

ECF 332 Pharmaceutical Technology III

ECF 334 Pharmaceutical Technology III Laboratory

ECF 335 Pharmaceutical Technology II

ECF 337 Pharmaceutical Technology II Laboratory

ECF 430 Preformulation and Quality Assurance

ECF 432 Cosmetic and Dermatological Preparations

ECF 433 Bioavailability and Clinic Pharmacokinetics

ECF 434 Biopharmaceutics

ECF 435 Pharmaceutical Technology IV

ECF 437 Pharmaceutical Technology IV Laboratory

ECF 531 Modern Therapeutic Systems and Pharmaceutical Nanotechnology

ECF 533 Drug Registration

ECF 535 Veterinary Dosage Forms and Formulation Development

ECF 537 Patent in Pharmaceutics

ECF 515 Pharmacy Services (carried out with Deanship)

ECF 517 Industrial Drug Production (carried out with Deanship)

ECF 519 Quality Assurance and Regulations (carried out with Deanship)