Scientific Meetings Organized / Contributed
INPROFOOD Project, Scenario Workshops, November 2012, June 2012, September 2012, Ankara. The Role of Pharmacoeconomics in the Dutch Drug Reimbursement System, March 2013, Ankara. I.Postgraduate Education Symposium, June 2007, Ankara. Health Politics and Economics: Example of Hepatitis B, December 2006, Ankara. Official Opening of the Science Shop, October 2006, Ankara. Role of Health Professionals in Tobacco Control [Panel] December 2005, Ankara. I.International Health Economics and Pharmacoeconomics Symposium, May 2005, Ankara.
Development and Implementation of a National Model and Methods in Health Technology Assessment, Hacettepe University Teknokent Inc. 2013-ongoing.
Obesity Burden of Disease Project, General Directorate of Health Research, Department of Health Technology Assessment, 2013- ongoing.
Developing Cost Models for Health Care Sector, Hacettepe University Teknokent Inc. 2012- ongoing.
INPROFOOD, European Union FP7 Project, Partners: Germany, Portugal, the Netherlands, United Kingdom, Italy, Denmark, Greece, Belgium, Austria, Spain, Slovakia, 2007-ongoing. //
Hacettepe Üniversitesi’nin Bazı Fakülte ve Yüksek Okullarında Okuyan Öğrencilerin Bazı Sosyo-Demografik Özelliklerinin, Sağlıklı Yaşam Davranışlarının Saptanması ve Sigara İçmenin Önlenmesi Konusunda Bir Müdahale Çalışması, Hacettepe Üniversitesi Bilimsel Araştırma Projesi, 0501106001, 2006-2010.
Training and Mentoring of Science Shops (TRAMS), European Union FP7 Project, Partners: the Netherlands, Romania, Island,France, United Kingdom, Greece, Spain, Lithuania, Estonia, 2005-2008. //
Hollanda ve Türkiye’de Yaşayan Müslüman Topluluklarda, Ramazan Ayı Süresince Tip I ve Tip II Diyabet Hastalarının İlaç Tedavilerine Uyuncunu Ortaya Koyan Farmako-antropolojik Bir Araştırma, Groningen University ve Hollanda Government Supported International Destekli Uluslararası Proje, 2004-2008.
Drug Compliance Among Psychiatric Patients in TUOC of Psychiatry and Behavioral Sciences 2001-2002, Supported by Merck and Co. Inc.
İstanbul’da Madde İstismarı: Hızlı Değerlendirme Çalışması, Birleşmiş Milletler Uyuşturucu Kontrol Programı (UNDCP), AD/TUR/95/894-95, 1995-1997.
Scientific Awards
2013 ISPOR 16th European Annual Congress: Student Travel Grant, Enver Kağan Atikeler
2008 ISPOR Best Poster Research Presentation Finalist Award Çalgan, Z., Özer, A., Yeğenoğlu, S. (Kasım 2008). Feasibility of Conducting Budget Impact Analysis in the Social Security Institution of Turkey, ISPOR 11th Annual European Congress, Atina