Dekanımız Prof. Dr. Gülberk Uçar'ın 2023-2024 Akademik Yılı Beyaz Önlük Giyme Töreni Açılış Konuşması
Hacettepe Üniversitesi Eczacılık Fakültesi
2022-2023 Akademik Yılı Mezuniyet Töreni
Fakültemizin mezuniyet töreni Hacettepe Üniversitesi Sıhhiye Kampüsü açık amfide 13 Temmuz 2023 günü protokol, öğretim üyelerimiz, öğrencilerimiz ve ailelerin katılımıyla gerçekleştirilmiştir. Mezunlarımızdan 2023 dönem birincimiz Ecz. Aylin Balaban, ikincimiz Ecz. Melek Nur Bilal, üçüncümüz Ecz. Elif Yıldırım olmuştur. Sevgi ve başarılarla dolu bir geleceğe adım atmak için hazırlanan tüm mezun adaylarımıza en içten tebriklerimizi iletiyoruz.
MEXT Burs Programı ile Japonya'da Lisansüstü Eğitim hk.

To whom it may concerns,

Re: Request to recommend the candidate for MEXT Scholarship Program, Japan

I am writing to this letter with reference to the MEXT Scholarship Program, Japan that we are currently seeking for the suitable student who wish to study at Nagoya City University (NCU). Program for Nurturing Global Leaders in Environmental and Pharmaco-medical Safety Sciences (ENPHAS) of NCU is adopted by MEXT which offers monthly allowance and return airfare to/from Japan, and tuition fees are waved by university for the standard period of study.

ENPHAS is jointly operated by three graduate schools of Graduate School of Medical Sciences, Graduate School of Pharmaceutical Sciences and Graduate School of Science. To apply for this program, students must find their supervisor from one of those graduate schools suited to their research interests. To be eligible for this scholarship, all of requirements described on attachments are met as well as English Proficiency Test Score requirement (such as TOEFL, TOEIC or ILETS) is fulfilled. Details of ENPHAS and MEXT scholarship are included in the attachments and URL on (, and application deadline is January 22, 2021.

If you know of a student interested in studying in Japan and applying for this scholarship program, please email Norie Oba, Administration Officer, Graduate School of Medical Sciences, Nagoya City University (

Sincerely Yours,


Hidetoshi Hayashi, Dean

Graduate School of Pharmaceutical Sciences, Nagoya City University


Attachments: MEXT Scholarship Application Guideline 2021
